HoofJack Hoof Stand & Cradle - COMBO
Product Overview (Hoof Jack - Combo)
Included in Combo:
- - Standard BASE
- - Standard Cradle
- - Standard Post
- - Draft Cradle
The HoofJack™ is a lightweight, durable hoof stand and cradle. Its base is a patented, extremely durable plastic that has been specifically designed to be stable and lightweight. Each interchangeable insert is constructed of a lightweight aluminum for strength and durability. The post is topped with a noninvasive rubber cap, while the cradle is constructed of a powder-coated aluminum with a durable woven-fabric sling. The inserts are easily adjusted to any height and held firmly in place with the tension knob. Each HoofJack® is accessorized with 2 magnets for keeping track of your nails, rasp or hoof knife. The HoofJack® is available in three (4) models: Standard, Draft Size (horses 1800 lb. +), Combo (which includes both the regular & draft cradle inserts), and the Mini (for ponies & miniatures.)
Features & Benefits for Farriers, Vets & Horse Owners
- Allows farriers to change shoeing posture without having to drop the foot.
- Takes your mind off you back and knees, and puts it back into your work.
- Can be used in every procedural step of shoeing and trimming.
- Dramatically reduces the risk of getting stuck with a nail.
- The solution for the leaning horse.
- Accommodates older horses with limited range of motion.
- Conforms to each individual hoof shape.