CES EquiPost Hoof Cradle Replacement Pad
Creative Equine Solution EquiPost Hoof Cradle REPLACEMENT PAD is designed to easily replace a worn-out or damaged cradle pad on the EquiPost Hoof Cradle. This part is made of 3/4" thick rubber padding with precisely placed holes for easily bolting it to the aluminum cradle. The rubber padding is firm and stable to hold the foot securely in the cradle, yet soft enough to be comfortable to the hoof. The rubber extends high enough on the sides to allow the foot to be placed on in a "finishing" position if desired so that you do not need to switch to a different post. The CES Hoof Cradle has been a great add-on tool for people with a Hoofjack or as a replacement for the standard cradle/strap system that comes standard with a Hoofjack. Click HERE for more details on the CES EquiPost Hoof Cradle.
EquiPost - Replacement Pad Dimensions: Length = 5.5", Width = 3.5", Thickness = 0.75"
EquiPost - Post Dimensions: 1.5" diameter & 12" long post
EquiPost - Cradle Dimensions: Overall Cup width 5", Inner Cup Width 3.25", Inner Cup Length 3", Cup Depth 1.25"
Video Demonstrating the Use of the EquiPost Hoof Cradle